Friday, December 14, 2012

About us

We are the best friends who love wood and got a passion for Apple products. 3 years before “Knarr age“ we opened and start running  woodshop. Our workshop, where we are enjoying our work is bassed in the Trencin.

„Knarr age“

Knarr stand was born in our minds about six mounths ago as a result of unsuccesfull searching for Iphone 4 stand with key ring feature. After first leaked info about 4 inch screen of new Iphone 5 we made the first step - started designing wooden, portable stand for this new Iphone.

We had clear goals:

  • clean modern design
  • made from, top quality only
  • easy to clip on keys
  • thin enough to carry in pocket easy
  • luxury, natural, warm feeling

To develope this great iPhone 5 stand was a huge challenge for us. We made many prototypes to make sure that Knarr is working with new Iphone 5 perfectly. After months of endless work, hundreds of coffees during long nights... we have finaly reached Knarr, stand for iPhone.

" One of the first hand sketch of Knarr iPhone 5 stand " is looking very funny now :) 

Matt & Michael

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